Plenary Lectures

Advanced concepts for modeling failure and transport processes in wood and wood-based products
Prof. J. Eberhardsteiner
Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures,
Vienna University of Technology,
Vienna, Austria

Influence of morphology on effective hygro-elastic properties of wood
Prof. A. S. J. Suiker
Institute for Applied Mechanics and Design,
Eindhoven University of Technology,
Eindhoven, Netherlands

Enhancing mechanical properties of wood by thermo hydro mechanical treatments
Prof. Dr. A. Kutnar
InnoRenew CoE Research Institute,
University of Primorska,
Koper, Slovenia

Effective nonlinear FE-modelling of progressive failures of (3D) timber structures jointed with multiple-fastener connections
Prof. Dr. S. Ormarsson
Department of Building Technology,
Linnaeus University
Växjö, Sweden

Beyond wood - structural and functional diversity in lignified tissues
Prof. C. Neinhuis
Chair of Botany,
Technische Universität Dresden,
Dresden, Germany