Scheduled presentations:
Load sharing in Timber-Concrete-Composite Ceilings – Form Experiment to FE-Analysis
H. Kieslich*, K. Holschemacher, M. Kaliske -
Shear connection of cross laminated timber wall elements using timber-concrete composites and carbon reinforced concrete
B. Beckmann*, K. Farwig, M. Curbach -
Braided veneer composites – investigation on the infiltration behaviour and the resulting mechanical properties:
Y. Liu*, A. Liebsch, C. Siegel, A. Gelencsér, S. Kunze, R. Kupfer, C. Korn, M. Gude, A. Wagenführ -
Numerical Modelling of the In-plane Stiffness and Connection Behaviour of Composite Timber-glass Wall Elements
T. Engelen*, D. Byloos, B. Vandoren -
Multiscale Micromechanics Stiffness Modeling of Plant Fiber-Reinforced Composites
M. Königsberger*, M. Lukacevic, J. Füssl