Submission of abstracts have to be performed electronically using the format template available below, before March 31, 2023, via the congress web site. Abstracts needs to include title, authors, membership, objectives, results and most relevant conclusions. Authors are invited to submit individual contributions to any of the Invited Sessions hosted by the Conference by selecting one of them from the drop-down menu when uploading the abstract.
Please remember that the file must be sent in .pdf format. The system does not accept other type of files.
If for any reason you need to modify your submitted abstract, the deadline for submission of the final version is March 31, 2023. After this date, only the files already received will be processed.
To submit your abstract, please follow the steps below:
1. Register to the conference here with your email address. Introduce the Pin Code you will receive as well as the password you want to use.
2. Login to your account here.
3. Complete the information in your profile.
4. Go to "My congress" and, then, "My contributions" (or click here) on the menu you will find on the right hand side of the page. Click on "Submit a contribution" and you are ready to go!
Please feel free to contact the Congress Secretariat for any question.
You can dowload the abstract template here:LaTeX File Download
Please note that final acceptance is contingent upon payment of the registration fee by the speaker before May 15, 2023.
Only one presentation per registration is allowed.