Advanced concepts for modelling failure and transport processes in wood and wood-based products
J. Füssl , M. Lukacevic , F. Brandstätter , C. Vida , S. Pech , M. Autengruber , J. Eberhardsteiner
Load sharing in Timber-Concrete-Composite Ceilings – Form Experiment to FE-Analysis
H. Kieslich , K. Holschemacher , M. Kaliske -
Shear connection of cross laminated timber wall elements using timber-concrete composites and carbon reinforced concrete
B. Beckmann , K. Farwig , M. Curbach -
Braided veneer composites – investigation on the infiltration behaviour and the resulting mechanical properties:
Y. Liu , A. Liebsch , C. Siegel , A. Gelencsér , S. Kunze , R. Kupfer , C. Korn , M. Gude , A. Wagenführ -
Multiscale Micromechanics Stiffness Modeling of Plant Fiber-Reinforced Composites
M. Königsberger , M. Lukacevic , J. Füssl -
Numerical Modelling of the In-plane Stiffness and Connection Behaviour of Composite Timber-glass Wall Elements
T. Engelen , D. Byloos , B. Vandoren
Prediction of Moisture Gradients and Related Crack Depths in Wooden Cross Sections subjected to Indoor Climate Conditions using a Finite-Element-Based Simulation Approach
F. Brandstätter , M. Autengruber , M. Lukacevic , J. Füssl -
Phase field method-based modeling of fracture in wood
S. Pech , M. Lukacevic , J. Füssl -
A brief overview on the development of research in the area of physical mechanical properties from solid wood and wood based materials
P. Niemz -
An anisotropic eigenfracture approach accounting for mixed mode fracture in wood structures within the Representative Crack Element framework
M. May , D. Konopka , M. Kaliske
The TreeTrace Douglas database: quality assessment and traceability of Douglas fir
F. Longuetaud , G. Pot , F. Mothe , A. Barthelemy , R. Decelle , F. Delconte , X. Ge , G. Guillaume , T. Mancini , T. Ravoajanahary , J. Butaud , R. Collet , I. Debled-Rennesson , B. Marcon , P. Ngo , B. Roux , J. Viguier -
Image-based Modelling of Wooden Structures for Structural Computation
F. Spahn , K. Moreno Gata , M. Trautz , S. Klinkel -
3D fibre orientation reconstruction around a knot in Douglas fir
H. Penvern , L. Demoulin , G. Pot , J. Viguier , R. Collet , B. Roux , A. Olsson , M. Hu -
Developing an orthotropic linear-elastic model using the FE method and tomography
T. Chakkour
A Finite Element Approach to Uncertainty Quantification in the Structural Performance of Cross Laminated Timber
F. O'Donnell , S. Arwade -
Analysis of radial stress concentrations in curved glulam beams using Monte Carlo Simulations
T. Yu , F. Seeber , A. Khaloian , J. van de Kuilen -
Multiscale Optimization with Orthotropic Material
D. Masarczyk , D. Kuhl -
Resampling from Polymorphic Uncertain Results in Numerical Timber Simulations
F. Schietzold , W. Graf , M. Kaliske
Numerical Analyses of Timber Beams with Perpendicular-to-grain Reinforcement at the Support
E. Serrano -
Finite-Element Modelling of the Nail-Driving Process into Spruce Wood
D. Rahmi , R. Fleischhauer , M. Kaliske -
Finite Element Modelling of Steel-Wood Fastener Connection in Product Development
F. Ding -
Numerical Modelling of the Load-Deformation Behaviour of Connections With Inclined Self-Tapping Screws
D. Caprio , R. Jockwer -
Push-out Testing of Screws for Timber-Concrete Composites: Evaluating Experimental Performance
S. Yanez , E. Perez , J. Pina
Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of the Structural Performance of Cross Laminated Timber with Air Gaps
R. Jockwer , Y. Goto -
Influence of Global Failure Criterion Definition on Bending Strength and Failure Mechanisms of Glued Laminated Timber Beams
C. Vida , M. Lukacevic , G. Hochreiner , J. Füssl -
Numerical and Experimental Study of Flexural Properties of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) from Oil Palm Wood (Elaeis guineensis JACQ.)
M. Hackel -
FE-modeling of long-term creep behavior in CLT-beams loaded in bending
L. Kuai , J. Vessby , S. Ormarsson -
Computational Modelling of Cross-Laminated Timber Buildings and their Connections Subjected to Earthquake Loads
E. Saavedra Flores , R. Tapia , S. Torres-Olivares , Y. Delgado González , J. Pina , C. Guzmán , S. Yanez
Characterization of mechanical properties of five hot-pressed lignins extracted from different feedstocks by micromechanics-guided nanoindentation
M. Schwaighofer , L. Zelaya-Lainez , M. Königsberger , M. Lukacevic , S. Serna-Loaiza , M. Harasek , A. Friedl , O. Lahayne , V. Senk , J. Füssl -
A multi-physics finite strain model for the coupled hygro-viscoelastic behavior of the wood cell wall
R. Lazo-Molina , C. Guzman -
Characterizing the Interaction between Paper Fibers Based on Experimental and Numerical Tests
G. Kloppenburg , C. Czibula , E. Walther , J. Neumann , U. Hirn , J. Simon -
Rheological Study of Wood at Tissue Scale
A. Ferrara , F. Wittel -
Prediction of the Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Radiata Pine Wood Through an Asymptotic Homogenisation Approach
C. Rojas Vega , E. Bosco , E. Saavedra Flores , C. Guzmán , S. Yanez , J. Pina
Discussion on the consistency of design concepts in EC5 - Data fitting or mechanical background
G. Hochreiner -
Modelling Failure of Timber Frame Walls Subjected to Combined Shear and In-Plane Bending Loads
D. Byloos , B. Vandoren , T. Engelen -
Substructure modelling of full size timber modules
R. Maharjan , L. Kuai , J. Vessby
Evaluation of Knots and Fibre Orientation by Gradient Analysis in X-ray Computed Tomography Images of Wood
J. Huber , L. Olofsson -
Application of Data from X-Ray CT Scanning and Optical Scanning to Adjust Model Parameters for Growth Surfaces Geometry and Fibre Directions in Norway Spruce
M. Hu , A. Olsson -
X-ray Computed Tomography Aided Finite Element Modelling to Estimate the Hygroexpansion Coefficient of Norway Spruce Branch Wood
S. Florisson , H. Lycksam , F. Forsberg , L. Hansson , K. Gamstedt -
X-ray computed tomography of paraffin phase change material embedded in hierarchical wood structures
C. Kongvarhodom , T. Pongsiri , P. Pakawanit , S. Ratanaphan
Towards a consistent benchmark dataset for the rheologic behavior of Norway spruce
J. Maas , F. Wittel -
Advanced numerical method for the modelling of beech lamellas based on local material properties
F. Seeber , A. Khaloian-Sarnaghi , J. van de Kuilen -
Experimental Testing and Numerical Evaluation of the Strain-softening Behavior of Birch Using a Cross-validation Calibration Approach
J. Jonasson , H. Danielsson , E. Serrano -
Comparison of timber local moduli of elasticity under axial and bending loading, obtained by classical beam theory and finite element modelling
G. Pot , R. Duriot , S. Girardon , J. Viguier , L. Denaud
Hygro-Mechanical Long-term Analysis of Wood at Structural Scale
J. Stöcklein , M. Kaliske -
Experimental-numerical study on the sensitivity of historical art objects to different museum climate conditions
R. Luimes , P. van Duin , J. Dorscheid , L. Vos , A. Suiker , E. Bosco , K. Keune -
On the effect of moisture exchange in panel paintings
P. Foti , A. Califano , C. Bertolin , C. Gao , F. Berto
A Road Towards a Sustainable Thermo-Hygro-Mechanical Wood Densification Process
M. Colla , S. Ryelandt , T. Pardoen -
Morphogenetic Vectors in the Densification of Cellular Scaffolds
A. Ferrara , S. Koch , F. Wittel -
Investigations on the thermo-mechanical behaviour of densified veneer wood for cryogenic applications
J. Hartig , M. Eichenauer , J. Wehsener , P. Haller
Veneer Laminates for Tubular Structures in a Tripod – Testing for Design and Damage Modelling Approaches
E. Kunze , K. Tittmann , Y. Mattern , M. Gude -
Modeling and simulation of the bending of prestrained composite plates
K. Böhnlein , S. Neukamm , O. Sander -
Numerical Modeling of Plant Fiber-Reinforced Composites: Combining Main Failure Mechanisms for Accurate Macroscopic Strength Predictions
V. Senk , M. Königsberger , M. Lukacevic , J. Füssl
Wood actuation: A smart way of utilizing dimensional instability
M. Rüggeberg -
A Fiber Bundle Model for Wood Mechanosorption
J. Amando de Barros , F. Wittel -
Constitutive Update to Predict the Non-Linear Behavior of Wood, Based on a Connection Between the Jacobian Explicit and the Deformation Gradient.
R. Quinteros-Mayne , I. de Arteaga Jorda , J. Cabrero
Influence of morphology on effective hygro-elastic properties of oak wood
A. Suiker , A. Livani , A. Crivellaro , E. Bosco