Scheduled presentations:
The TreeTrace Douglas database: quality assessment and traceability of Douglas fir
F. Longuetaud, G. Pot, F. Mothe, A. Barthelemy, R. Decelle, F. Delconte, X. Ge, G. Guillaume, T. Mancini, T. Ravoajanahary, J. Butaud, R. Collet, I. Debled-Rennesson, B. Marcon, P. Ngo, B. Roux, J. Viguier* -
Image-based Modelling of Wooden Structures for Structural Computation
F. Spahn*, K. Moreno Gata, M. Trautz, S. Klinkel -
3D fibre orientation reconstruction around a knot in Douglas fir
H. Penvern*, L. Demoulin, G. Pot, J. Viguier , R. Collet, B. Roux, A. Olsson, M. Hu -
Developing an orthotropic linear-elastic model using the FE method and tomography
T. Chakkour*